
Which Linux Is Best For Running Windows Apps?

Linux Distribution for Windows

It wasn't too long ago that we published an article on the best Linux distros that looks like MacOS. Today, our focus is not necessarily on distributions that have a similar UI to that of Windows, but ones that are, firstly, convenient for Windows users to use due to familiarity, and secondly, without technical hurdles during installation or application set up.

1. Zorin OS

Zorin OS is my first recommendation because it is designed to replicate the look and feel of both Windows and macOS depending on the user's preference.

With a GNOME 3 layout or a UI similar to that in Windows XP, you're bound to feel at home due to the familiar user experience coupled with its ability to install Windows applications using pre-installed Wine.

Zorin OS Linux Distro

Zorin OS Linux Distro

2. Ubuntu Budgie

Ubuntu Budgie is an eye candy flavor of Ubuntu that goes the extra mile to make new Linux users from Windows conveniently style their desktop to their taste.


It is praised for its desktop management features which allow one to manipulate app windows easily as well as reorganize the arrangement of the dock and panel icons.

Ubuntu Budgie Linux Distro

Ubuntu Budgie Linux Distro

3. Xubuntu

Xubuntu is an Ubuntu flavor created with simplicity, adaptability, and familiarity especially for computer users migrating from Windows to Linux.

By default, it ships with the lightweight Xfce desktop environment which easy to customize and reorganize just like it is easy to personalize Windows.

Xubuntu Linux Distro

Xubuntu Linux Distro

4. Solus

Solus is built from scratch to be simple in operation, easy to install, configure, and work with. It features a beautiful custom-built desktop environment, Budgie, which has a sleek UI similar to that of the Windows operating system complete with the taskbar, menu section, and icons.

Solus Linux Distro

Solus Linux Distro

5. Deepin

Deepin is a Linux distro with the primary goal of making Linux available to computer users in an elegant system without compromising performance.

Its preinstalled applications are mostly home-grown and its settings options are always only a couple of clicks away from the current point. All in all, Deepin provides users with an eye-candy UI that is reminiscent of Windows or macOS shiny-ness.

Deepin Linux Distro

Deepin Linux Distro

6. Linux Mint

Linux Mint is arguably the most popular operating system among personal computer users after Ubuntu and it is praised for being a more reliable distro than its parent OS.

This is due to the fact that its focus is to provide a classic desktop that is convenient to use and filled with multimedia support and nifty tools straight out of the box.

Linux Mint19 Linux Distro

Linux Mint19 Linux Distro

Recommended Read: 10 Reasons to Use Linux Mint

7. Robolinux

Robolinux is a cool Linux project designed to be intuitive with the aim of being the perfect Linux alternative for Windows users.

It ships with a preconfigured VM with Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 10 which enables users to install and run Windows applications alongside it without the need for dual booting.

Robolinux - Linux Distro

Robolinux – Linux Distro

8. Chalet OS

Chalet OS was created with the goal of using Linux on a wide range of hardware specifications in a style that is appealing to immigrants from the Windows platform.

It is based on Xubuntu but infused with a unique touch of style that makes it different from its parent OS and convenient for Windows users to use.

Chalet Linux Distro

Chalet Linux Distro

9. BackSlash

BackSlash is a Linux distribution with a custom-designed User Interface that mimics that of macOS.

It uses KDE as its default desktop environment and although it doesn't look like Windows, you might realize that what you need is a look and feel that is unique but works in the same way your previous OS does nonetheless.

BackSlash Linux Distro

BackSlash Linux Distro

10. Pearl OS

Pearl OS was created to welcome Linux emigrants from Windows and macOS with a desktop environment that is familiar and just as customizable without too much hassle.

It ships with several desktop options including GNOME, MATE, LXDE, and promises to unveil its custom DE in the form of PearlDE.

Pearl Linux Distro

Pearl Linux Distro

Certain features common to the above-listed recommendations include customization options, a familiar User Interface, window animations, and a welcoming community, among others, so feel free to test them all out for yourself first.

Are there any recommendations you would like us to add to the list? Feel free to pen your thoughts in the comments section below.

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About the author

Divine Okoi

Divine Okoi is a cybersecurity postgrad with a passion for the open-source community. With 700+ articles covering different topics in IT, you can always trust him to inform you about the coolest tech.

Which Linux Is Best For Running Windows Apps?


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